Corporate Social Responsibility - Social Responsibility - Dneprospetsstal
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Corporate Social Responsibility - Social Responsibility - Dneprospetsstal
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Corporate Social Responsibility

Dneprospetsstal's social policies can be described as a package of programs directed at ensuring personnel social security and expanding incentive plans. We aim to create the best work-place and recreation environment for our staff conducive to their realizing their maximum potential for professional and individual growth.

As an example, Dneprospetsstal's staff members are entitled to free qualified health services. In addition, they have health insurance coverage under which courses of treatment are covered.

Dneprospetsstal cares for its veteran employees who enjoy the full benefits of membership at the company. The organization of company veteran employees numbers about five thousand and is actively involved in the company's life. Our veterans regularly receive a quarterly stipend and have the opportunity to take a treatment or recreation course at the company's residential health facility and the holiday resort.

Dneprospetsstal's important social policy includes providing employment opportunities to the disabled. Today Much attention is paid to their adaptation requirements and to creating a favorable psychological environment at the workplace.

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