Newspaper "Elektrometallurg" - Company Newspaper "Elektrometallurg" - Press Centre - Dneprospetsstal
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Newspaper "Elektrometallurg" - Company Newspaper "Elektrometallurg" - Press Centre - Dneprospetsstal
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Newspaper "Elektrometallurg"

The factory newspaper is an integral part of Dneprospetsstal. This is not surprising, because they are of the same age. For half a year before the first melting, on May 5, 1932, the newspaper "Stalinets" was published, so that was our.

Unfortunately, the first issues of the newspaper were not spared by the years of military hard times. In the factory museum only photocopies of numbers are kept, starting with No. 20 (82) for 1933. And also the first post-war issue for 1954. Its current name was published in January 1957.

Flipping through the yellowed pages of the Dneprospetsstal newspaper, you feel that even now and many years ago, in the center of attention of "Electrometallurg" there were and still are people who linked their fate to the fiery profession. Their courage and labor successes, industrial victories and failures - all this is reflected in our newspaper. You can say that the pages of the newspaper closely intertwined human destinies and the history of the plant.

Each issue of "Electrometallurg" is a page of the annals of the Enterprise. Looking through the binder of the multiparty, you can see how the factory mastered new metal grades, modern equipment was introduced, the struggle for quality was conducted, and, most importantly, the Dneprospetsstal team was being formed.

Over the decades of its existence, the newspaper, like the Enterprise, experienced ups and downs. Today, "Electrometallurg" goes out every week on 12 bands. Edition circulation - 5 thousand copies. Among the readers are not only the current employees of Dneprospetsstal, but also its veterans.

February 25
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