On October the1st, 2010 JSC Electrometallurgical Works “Dneprospetsstal“ named after A.N.Kuzmin became the participant of the Global Compact of the United Nations http://unglobalcompact.org/participant/12475
The global Compact unites the companies, United Nations agencies, labor and public organizations for the purpose of support the world ecological and social principles.
The Compact has been based in United Nations Headquarters in New York on July, 26th, 2000. The presentation of the Global Compact in Ukraine has taken place on April, 25th, 2006 with support of the leading Ukrainian and international companies, and also the Government of Ukraine.
Today more than 3 800 companies from all over the world together with international labor and public organizations take part in the Global Compact. Their goal is to support the ten principles of the Global Compact in respect to human rights, labour rights, the protection of the environment and anti-corruption.
The introduction into the Global Compact is the free and voluntary initiative. From participants of the Global Compact it is required to give the annual submission of a Communication on Progress (COP) that describes company’s efforts to implement the ten principles.
Joining to the Global Compact JSC "Dneprospetsstal" has confirmed the intention to make the Global Compact and its principles a part of strategy of the company and to take part in the projects directed on United Nations’ purposes development, particularly the Millennium Development Goals.