Quality Assurance Policy - Quality and Certification - Ñompany - Dneprospetsstal
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Quality Assurance Policy - Quality and Certification - Ñompany - Dneprospetsstal
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Quality Assurance Policy

PrJSC “DNIPROSPETSSTAL” is a unique enterprise of Ukrainian metallurgical industry, top performer in producing and delivering of the special steels and alloys, which conform to all the modern and advanced requirements and expectations of the Customers.

Providing the Policy connection to PrJSC “DNIPROSPETSSTAL’s” development strategy, the implemented Quality Management System functioning at the enterprise is focused on continual enhancing of Customer satisfaction as the Customers are the major source of the Company’s financial resources ensuring its sustainable development.

At PrJSC DNIPROSPETSSTAL  the Quality Management System meets all the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and bases upon the risk-oriented attitude, strict understanding of the company activity context, interested parties needs and expectations, and following principles:

- the Customer defines the product quality level;

- participation of all employees in the product formation, implementation of a safetyculture in the manufacture of products for consumers of the nuclear energy sector;

- activity and resources are managed on the basis of the risk-oriented process approach;

- any activity can and shall be improved;

- decisions are solely made on basis of data analysis;

- continual improvement of skills and competence of personnel including quality management and lean manufacturing;

- relations with suppliers are built on a mutually advantageous basis.

The improvement of the process efficiency and effectiveness as well as loss reducing is implemented in each subdivision through the development of quality objectives and programs, measurement and analysis of process and product performance and their improvement on the basis of up-to-dated quality management methods as well as introduction of lean manufacturing techniques.

PrJSC DNIPROSPETSSTAL top management ensures the complying with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, implements quality policy and objectives by means of planning, fulfilling, analyzing and continuous improving of manufacturing and auxiliary processes, managing and developing of the Quality Management System, allowing for the existing risks. The top management reviews the process efficiency and effectiveness and defines the direction of Quality Management System improvement basing on the principle of management continuity.

The present Policy defines our activity and shall be communicated to all employees, customers, suppliers, PrJSC DNIPROSPETSSTAL shareholders and society.

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